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Senseless Death

Mon, Jan 25, 2021

Senseless death
Is there any other kind?
While we were playing hide and seek with The Virus
Retreating in corners, avoiding crowded rooms
Raising the barrier with hand sanitiser
not through my hands, we decree as we rub it between our fingers
Shielding our noses
Not just any mask but the very best kind
Multiple layers with a filter
Laying on brick upon brick to build our immunity
Drinking our boiled onions, pineapple peels, garlic, turmeric, ginger, store-bought vitamin C, zinc

All the time you were hiding in our veins
A thief in the night
Maybe laughing?
Sarcastically at our efforts to guard the city
While the Trojan horse was already inside
Waiting for nightfall, to let out it smuggled-in warriors
Did you cackle with glee that night
When after a normal evening
Family said the usual goodnights
You stealthily crept out
As dawn broke
revealed your true colour
In the name of a clot
A clot?!
A gel-like clump of blood
The doctors gave you an important sounding name
Pulmonary embolism
In a few short minutes of breathlessness
Snuffed out a life!

We grieve
But death, by whichever name
You do not have the final say
We might not know from whence you will pounce
You might mock our futile attempts to hold you at bay
But let me tell you
You will be defeated
You will be swallowed up in victory
Vanquished forever!
And let me tell you
This is not the end
The day is dawning
When every tear will be wiped
There will be no more death, or sorrow or crying or pain
These things will be gone forever
And we shall live eternally
With our King who ransomed us
Triumphing over death and the grave
In his final, glorious triumphant act
His death and resurrection!

How much more time does any of us have?
A moment?
An hour?
To imagine you know
Is to give that thief more reason to cackle and mock
But to live fearlessly
With immortal hope
Is to shame him
Where, O death is your victory
Where, O death is your sting?

(This is my lament for the close relative of a friend who took leave to eternity so abruptly, healthy and young (55 is quite young for me) with nary a hint nor a warning.)

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2 responses to “Senseless Death”

  1. We take comfort knowing Christ overcame death and for that reason we shall meet again . Praying for peace for the family

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